The Most Comprehensive and Effective Preparation Course Available!
The Ultimate Board Prep preparation programs for the ITE, Basic, and Advanced Exams were developed with the same passion for high quality board preparation that has made our Applied Exam preparation program so successful.
We are excited to announce that we now have over 1,100 questions hosted on a newly updated state-of-the-art testing platform!The Ultimate Board Prep offers the most comprehensive preparation program available for the Applied Exams! We will show you how to excel during the Standardized Oral Exam and OSCE components of the Applied Exam, even when presented with the most challenging clinical scenarios, and when facing the most difficult and unforgiving examiners. Our dedication to your success has made us the Number One board preparation course in the country!
Our Team
Dr. Gregory George.
Ultimate Board Prep Director
Dr. George is a board certified anesthesiologist in private practice, and a Clinical Assistant Professor at a midwest anesthesiology residency program. He has been involved with resident education since 2004, receiving multiple teaching awards. After reviewing several of the most popular anesthesiology board preparation courses available, Dr. George felt he could offer a program that more effectively prepared candidates to take and pass their Written and Applied Exams. Several thousand hours of additional writing and preparation later, The Ultimate Board Prep was born, and the program has been a remarkable success. When not perusing anesthetic literature, feverishly writing Written and Applied board questions, or training board candidates, Dr. George enjoys time with his wonderful wife and six children.
Our Course is designed to help candidates develop the skills they need to master the ABA’s Written and Applied Exams